Page 8 - MSc-BiologyProgramsOffered
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SCI04 7101 Tropical Forest 4(4-0-8) None Origin, evolution, succession, and distribution 1. Explain the concept and knowledge of tropical forest
Ecology and Management None of tropical forests, forest structures, the abiotic ecosystem and management (PLO4, Understand);
None components such as water, soil, nutrient, and
SCI04 7102 Wetland Ecology and 4(4-0-8) None fire, and biotic components such as plants and 2. Analyze and apply the concept and knowledge to solve
Management None animals, forest dynamic, human influence, tropical forest ecosystem problems (PLO5, Apply,
technology and sustainable management of Analyze);
tropical forest, forest certification, and field
trips. 3. Analyze and present current research of tropical forest
ecosystem and management in Thailand and other
The importance of wetland, major wetland countries (PLO5, Analyze).
ecosystems, bog, marsh, lake, and estuary,
importance and factors affecting wetlands, 1. Explain the concept and knowle dge of wetla nd
restoration and creation of wetland, economic ecosystem and management (PLO4, Understand);
values of wetland, the Ramsar Convention,
sustainable management of wetlands, and field 2. Analyze and apply the concept and knowledge to solve
trips. wetland ecosystem problems (PLO5, Apply, Analyze);
3. Analyze and present current research of wetland
ecosystem and management in Thailand and other
countries (PLO5, Analyze).
SCI04 7103 Wildlife Ecology and 4(4-0-8) Wildlife diversity, water, food and habitat 1. Explain the concept and knowledge of wildlife ecology
Management requirement, growth, reproduction, migration, and management (PLO4, Understand);
competition, predation, behavior, population
SCI04 7104 Species and 3(3-0-6) dynamic, genetic diversity, disease dispersal, 2. Analyze and apply the concept and knowledge to solve
Speciation wildlife survey techniques, conservation, wildlife management problems (PLO5, Ap pl y,
propagation, and management of wildlife. Analyze);
SCI04 7105 Ecology and Sensor 4(4-0-8)
Technology Investigations of various concepts of species 3. Analyze and present current wildlife ecology and
and possible mechanisms of speciation by both management research in Thailand and other countries
genetic and organismic level approaches, and (PLO5, Analyze).
discussion of methods for species protection,
especially in endangered species. 1. Explain and compare the species concepts (PLO4,
Sensor technology; deployment and monitoring
protocols; error and validity consideration; data 2. Explain the main mechanisms behind speciation (PLO4,
retrieval, acquisition, and data analysis; Understand);
extreme environment cases e.g. cloud forests,
deciduous forest. 3. Assess the most recent literature about evolutionary
history and speciation (PLO5, Analyze);
4. Present the idea concept for species conservation
(PLO5, Apply).
1. Explain the concepts of sensor technology; deployment
and monitoring protocols (PLO4, Understand);
2. Determine the error and validity consideration; data
retrieval, acquisition, and data analysis (PLO5, Apply);
3. Choose the appropriate sensor technology for collecting
physical data corresponding to the research study
(PLO5, Evaluate).
M.Sc. (Biology)
Update June 1, 2023