Page 10 - MSc-BiologyProgramsOffered
P. 10

SCI04 8105 Special Problems in  4(0-12-12)  None  resources both in and outside protected areas,     3. Asses case study of ecotourism program integrating
Ecology and Biodiversity                          environmental impact assessment, and field             with biological knowledge (PLO5, Apply, Analyze).
                                            None  trips.
SCI04 8106 Special Topics in    4(4-0-8)    None  Research work that can be finished within one      1. Use informat ion tec hn ology t o searc h current
Ecology and Biodiversity                          academic term on a specific topic in ecology            information and research in ecology and biodiversity
                                                  and biodiversity.                                       (PLO6, Apply);
SCI04 8107 Special Projects in  2 (0-6-6)
Biodiversity and Ecotourism                       Lecture and discussion on special topics or        2. Apply knowledge of ecology and biodiversity to
                                                  recent developments in ecology and biodiversity         design and execute research to find new knowledge or
                                                  not taught in any course.                               innovation (PLO4, Apply);

                                                  Research work that can be finished within one      3. Analyze data using necessary programs such as
                                                  academic term on a specific topic in biodiversity       statistics, informatics, or geoinformatics (PLO6,
                                                  and ecotourism.                                         Apply);

                                                                                                     4. Analyze and criticize research results using knowledge
                                                                                                          from ecology and biodiversity to other disciplines
                                                                                                          (PLO5, Analyze);

                                                                                                     5. Use information technology to present research data
                                                                                                          and results in writing and oral presentation (PLO6,

                                                                                                     6. Demonstrate self-discipline, punctuality, leadership,
                                                                                                          humility, public mind, and cooperation skills (PLO2,

                                                                                                     7. Demonstrate morals and ethics in doing research
                                                                                                          (PLO1, Apply).

                                                                                                     1. Use infor mat i on te chn ol o g y t o se arch c urre n t
                                                                                                         information and research in ecology and biodiversity
                                                                                                         taught in any course (PLO6, Apply);

                                                                                                     2. Explain the concept and knowledge of selected topics
                                                                                                         in ecology and biodiversity (PLO4, Understand);

                                                                                                     3. Analyze and apply the concept and knowledge to solve
                                                                                                         problems of selected topics in ecology and biodiversity
                                                                                                         (PLO5, Apply, Analyze);

                                                                                                     4. Analyze and present current research or case studies of
                                                                                                         selected topics ecology and biodiversity (PLO5,

                                                                                                     1. Use information technology to search current
                                                                                                         information and research in biodiversity and ecotourism
                                                                                                         (PLO6, Apply);

M.Sc. (Biology)
Update June 1, 2023
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