Page 28 - MSc-BiologyProgramsOffered
P. 28
SCI04 8503 Risk Assessment of 4(4-0-8) None Principles of risk assessment of nanomaterials, nanoparticles (both Thai and English) to present and
Nanomaterials including risk assessment process, description, discuss in the classroom with classmates and the teacher
and usages of nanomaterials, physical and (PLO2, PLO3, PLO6, Apply).
SCI04 8504 Synthesis of Silver 4(2-6-4) None chemical specificity, hazard and tests, health
Nanoparticles and environmental hazard data, environmental 1. Explain principles of risk assessment of nanomaterials,
transformation data, contacts of nanomaterials, including risk assessment process, description and
assessment of alternative risk management, usages of nanomaterials, physical and chemical
decision, records, implementation, revision, specificity, hazard and tests, health and environmental
deployment, and regulation by government, and hazard data, environmental transformation data,
current topics of risk assessment of contacts of nanomaterials, assessment of alternative risk
nanomaterials based on other international management, decision, records, implementation,
standards. revision, deployment, and regulation by government,
and current topics of risk assessment of nanomaterials
Principles and methods to synthesize silver based on other international standards (PLO4,
nanoparticles via physical, chemical, and Understand);
biological routes, experimental studies in using
chemical and biological methods to synthesize 2. Solve the designated problems relating to the risk
silver nanoparticles via uses of chemicals and assessment of nanomaterials (PLO4, Apply);
biological extracts for a reduction reaction
couple with heat, microwave, and sonication. 3. Analyze and evaluate the risk of nanomaterials from the
given questions (PLO5, Analyze);
4. Use information technology to search on current topics
of the risk assessment of nanomaterials based on other
international standards and use of nanomaterials with
responsibility to the society (both Thai and English) to
present and discuss in the classroom with classmates
and the teacher (PLO2, PLO3, PLO6, Apply).
1. Explain principles and methods to synthesize silver
nanoparticles via physical, chemical, and biological
routes (PLO4, PLO5, Apply);
2. Synthesize silver nanoparticles using chemical and
biological methods via use of chemicals and biological
extracts for a reduction reaction coupled with heat,
microwave, and sonication (PLO4, PLO5, PLO6,
3. Present and discuss the data via analytical statistics with
classmates and the teacher (PLO2, PLO6, Apply);
4. Search information (both Thai and English) and solve
the given questions (PLO4, Apply);
5. Do experiment works as team (PLO2, Apply).
6. Write the experimental report without plagiarism
(PLO1, Apply).
M.Sc. (Biology)
Update June 1, 2023